Executive Coaching Services

Executive Coaching is a service designed to improve and elevate the skills and capabilities of an executive. UpMyBrand strategies can help executives and leaders influence and drive stabilization, growth, and winning cultures.

We offer media training, presentation and public speaking skills coaching, and personal branding to make sure you are always polished and on top of your brand.

UpMyBrand offers proven
coaching solutions, including:

Enhance the performance of your organization or entrepreneurial endeavor with performance and talent strategies that build and increase sales, plan for intensive growth, and transform your organization into a scalable model that supports your growth.

Are you ready to take that high-potential talent and to the next level? Bridgette and her team will help you accelerate employee time-to-value with targeted assessments, leadership coaching and capability development.


Your brand is your way forward. You must have symmetry in your brand with what you are today and what you want to be tomorrow. Once upon a time, this was a nice to have in your career toolbox, but no longer is that the case. You must have a solid, social brand.

Want to be a winner? You must be able to influence and drive revenue. Sales excellence is both science and art. To enjoy a long and lucrative career in sales, you must constantly train for greatness. Our sales and presentation coaching program are customized for you.

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